Page 3 - Reviews - NutraLife, SAMe (Disulfate Tosylate), 400 mg, 60 Enteric Coated Caplets - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jan 15, 2024
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I have suffered from mercurial maladies most of my time in this mortal coil. Born into poverty, grew up in a moldy house with my bedroom walls covered in a veritable carpet of aspergillus. I was not a healthy boy... As an adult, understanding nutrition and supplementation saved my life. SAMe has had one of the most positive impact on my mental functioning and feelings of emotional well-being, so much so that I have been taking it on and off for years. As someone who has chronic health problems, I have suffered from feelings of general unwellness, and depression/lack of motivation. Sometimes I am just not functioning correctly. I used to think it was simply how it was, but now I know that it was due to serious malfunctioning of my organism. I do not know what exactly is wrong with me, and tend to avoid doctors after almost being murdered by a surgeon and not getting so much as an apology. But this supplement simply makes me feel great, gives me more energy, puts me in a state of mind where I feel restless, but in a positive way that has me more interested in doing... whatever. It's not a sport supplement, but this and a coffee in the morning put me in a great state of mind, and feeling energised enough to make me almost leap out of my chair for my morning workout. I am taking a break from work for now, but to anyone working long days: try this. The benefits in energy levels, especially in conjunction with a ketogenic diet... the difference is remarkable! I like this brand, too. They have quality products and fair prices. I consider them as one of my top supplement brands, especially for SAMe. Quality ingredients, neat packaging, size of tablets easy for me to swallow. Would recommend.